Amplifying Skills Through STEM Learning & Competitions


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Students enrolled
Presence in cities across india
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Good schools provide high-quality education, great schools develop life long learning skills on top through provision such as F1 in Schools. F1 in Schools has been a positive learning experience for our students. The British School has a long history with the program and each year it continues to have the ability to surprise us. Our students engage in project-based learning and apply Science and Mathematics principles whilst utilising 21st century technological and engineering skills. They collaborate and work together as a team towards competing in the World’s premiere STEM competition and it doesn’t get better than that.
Sunny ThakralHead of ICT The British School, New Delhi 
From my personal experience, I can say that I have seen my child grow tremendously in the past few years that he has been associated with the STEM programs and his passion has only increased over the years. Year One of the competition was a great learning curve for him. The weekly classes in the school were very insightful and enriching. Here, I must commend the faculty of Time of Sports. They have been an email away to answer all the queries we had.
Ms. NidhiParent - Team Hyperbolt Lotus Valley International School, Noida 
Infusing STEM based learning through F1 in schools into our curriculum has been a positive learning opportunity for our students. Students are engaged in project-based learning to learn science and management objectives while utilizing 21st century computer and engineering skills. Students are participating in a cooperating learning environment which promotes teamwork and peer collaboration. F1 allows for a real hands on exposure to the corporate world at such a young age. Many of our students cheer when they see F1 on the schedule!
Aviral RishiHead of Student Welfare -The Ardeee School, New Friends Colony 
On behalf of Principal Mrs. Roopa Chakraborty, I heartily congratulate you all and thank The Time of Sports. You all deserve thunderous applause for bringing the young generation onto one platform and giving their passion and communication a new direction. The Suncity team, which has always stood by you, hopes that our relationship will grow stronger in the future. Thank you very much, Time of Sports.
Rupa Chakravarty Ma'amSuncity School 
Hi, this is Snehanka, and I'm here at Billabong High School in Thane for the F1 Regional Rounds. I, along with my fellow first-year interior design students, am here to enjoy the event. This is going to be a fun event with many exciting activities. Thank you.
Snehanka Ma'amBillabong School 
Hello everyone,
I'm here at the Global Genesis School. I am Parush Mehta from the British School, and we have six teams here for the nationals. It's a wonderful experience to have all these teams together showcasing their creativity and technical skills. I'm sure it's really beneficial for them, and we are just hoping for the best for all our teams in the world finals.
Parush SirBritish School 
Hi, I am Ashwini Syed. I am a parent from Team Inferno. My son Azan is from CPGIS, and Team Inferno has been formed from CPGIS hub. This idea of having F1 in Schools in India is fabulous. I had read about it and seen YouTube videos before we actually registered. I'm so glad that my son took part. I am really, really grateful and thankful to F1S India team for all the help they have given our kids to get to where they are. This entire concept of using STEM—that is, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—to get children to learn is wonderful. Every team was superb. All their pit booths were amazing. I wish all the teams, all the parents, and the children the best of luck. Thank you again.
Mrs. Ashwini SyedCP Goenka International School("Parent from team Inferno") 
"This is the first experience for my kid participating in F1 in Schools. He started his journey around January 2023, and it has been an excellent journey in project management, design, and engineering portfolio development. It has provided a great opportunity for hands-on experience and has helped him understand what he wants to become in the future. Today is his competition, and I am very excited about it. I wish all the participants the best of luck. Thank you.
Atul BharadwajVishwakarma Racing 
"I am Amita from Billabong School, Thane. I would like to thank F1 for giving us the opportunity to participate in this competition. It has been an amazing experience for my child; they have learned so much, and we, as parents, have learned alongside them. Despite our many questions and challenges, the F1 team guided us every step of the way, from building the car to creating banners and securing sponsors. The team was available 24/7 to support us. I highly recommend this program, as it is not just a competition but a holistic development opportunity for kids. Thank you, F1 in Schools India, for providing us with this platform."
Mrs. AmitaBillabong Sch. 
"Hi, I am Geetanjali. My son Ashwath is in the 6th grade, and this is his first time participating in the F1 in Schools India competition. It's a great opportunity for children to learn about engineering, racing, science, and teamwork. I think the children all learned what it means to be responsible for their own tasks while also ensuring the team puts in their best effort, helping each other when needed. It was a great experience, and my son and his team learned a lot. It was a happy learning experience for all of us. Thank you."
Mrs. GeetanjaliBillabong Sch. 